Get Involved with AWWA - IOWA SECTION!
The Iowa Section of AWWA offers over 20 committees related to various aspects of the water industry and organization. These committees, which are made up of members of the Iowa Section, actively work to promote the advancement of the drinking water profession and the goals and objectives of the Section.
Committees are continually seeking new membership and all members of the Section are encouraged to be actively involved with the organization. If you have an interest in joining a particular committee, contact that committee's chair to see how you can get involved!
Committee Guidelines
Iowa Section American Water Works Association members appointed to serve on committees of the Section are expected to actively participate in committee activities and fully understand the responsibilities delegated to them. Committee work will require professional dedication of its members toward achieving goals and objectives of those committees. All committee shall strive to have geographic distribution, as well as diversity in size of utilities represented on the committees.
General expectations of all Committee Members include:
- The Section Chair shall select the committee chairperson and may also appoint members to the committees as necessary.
- Members are expected to attend committee meetings as scheduled and called for by the committee chairperson. A simple majority of the members will constitute a quorum for the meetings to be held.
- Members should expect to be called for a minimum two meetings per calendar year. Additional meetings will be called as necessary to complete unfinished business.
- The committee chairperson shall draft an agenda for every meeting and forward it to committee members and to the committee’s Iowa Section executive board liaison member and the Section Chair.
- Committee members are encourage to provide input to the regularly scheduled meetings, propose topics for presentation at state and regional AWWA meetings, be willing to make presentations on committee topics, and to provide technical assistance and leadership to the Iowa Section AWWA membership.
- The Chairperson of each committee is responsible for submitting an annual written report of the committee’s activity during the preceding year for distribution at the Section’s annual conference.
- The committee Chairperson may submit budget requests to the Section Board.
- A copy of all reports, nominations, actions, or recommendations shall be filed with the Board or staff.
- Committees may formulate position statements or responses for the Section for review and approval of the Board of Trustees.